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Angela Ferdig

Redesigning a Homepage

Designing your own website as a freelancer is like writing your bio on a dating site. Most people don't like to talk about themselves but in business, it's essential to talk about the skillsets you possess right up to the point of being excessive. This is when hiring an outside party with an objective perspective is needed.

We did a homepage consultation for brand consultant Maria Grimardi. Even though brand creation is her area of dominance, and she is able to build her own site from scratch, a little tweaking was needed. Often, we see that the more talented the person, the harder it is for them to sell themselves. Creative work is very introspective while selling oneself is an outward act.

Maria’s work is outstanding. Her clients are high-end travel companies, and her experience is vast. Her services include rebranding, worldwide photoshoots, brand strategy, TV show production, and content writing, to name a few. Maria’s overall site is organized, and well laid out, and she has plenty of great images and examples of her work. The problem is that it’s hidden.

The current homepage focuses on Maria and is text-heavy. A common mistake with freelancers' websites is that the focus is on them, not their work. We want a prospective client to click the homepage and say, “Yes, this is what I need to be done for me”. Although the site should also give insight as to who they’ll be working with, it’s the work that is the hook and should be the main component of the homepage.

A website’s homepage has to generate enough curiosity and awe to get viewers to click further into the site and in Maria’s case to get them to make a call or send an email. We also wanted viewers to click in further because the depth of Maria’s work is too extensive to showcase it all on the homepage.

We created a video, with images and music to set the mood. The final video will include more images including Maria at work. Then we highlighted her skillset with blocks of images and text. In this area, we continued creating movement with text and mouseovers, and finally, we showcased Maria with an image that is the definition of world travel and adventure.

Bien Hecho Creative does page or section consultations on design, content, and UX/UI design. We also create entire websites from scratch. Give us a call for a free 15-minute consultation on your current or planned site.


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